In 2023, the e-commerce industry experienced a remarkable evolution, shaping the way consumers make online purchases. This article provides a general analysis of these changes, focusing on key trends in e-commerce that will set new standards in online shopping in the upcoming year 2024. In recent years, competition in online sales has increased significantly, due to the global societal isolation that began in early 2020.
Many companies moved their sales online. Entrepreneurs began competing with each other to attract the largest community of people engaged in online shopping. Consumers, like entrepreneurs, were also forced to search for their products online with home delivery. This created new expectations and behaviors among customers, which were, in a way, imposed by big brands. A new trend in e-commerce emerged.
Since then, we have observed a rapid increase in sales through various internet-based channels and online sales. According to the CBRE report “1/6 Figures. The Image of E-commerce Post-Pandemic,” the value of the e-commerce market in Poland reached PLN 135.5 billion, which means a growth of 15.5% from the previous year. These increases are driven by “growing environmental awareness,” the increasing importance of mobile shopping, and the growing popularity of cross-border shopping.
Why Analyzing E-commerce Trends is Important for Entrepreneurs and E-Marketers
Understanding current trends in e-commerce is essential for every entrepreneur and e-marketer to adapt their strategies and remain competitive in a dynamically changing market. This analysis provides valuable guidance for optimizing marketing and sales activities, increasing the chances of success in an increasingly digital world. The report states that the most important trends in e-commerce in Poland in 2023 include changes in consumer behavior, breakthrough technologies, innovative marketing strategies.
The Growth of Consumer Environmental Awareness in 2023
Consumers are “increasingly aware” of the changes happening in the world. Climate changes, which are becoming more visible and perceptible to society, deepening pollution of the environment with post-production waste, such as plastic, and supposedly limited natural resources are challenges that are making consumers more aware of the need to take action to protect the environment. In 2023, there was a clear increase in consumer “environmental awareness,” which translated into their purchasing decisions. Remember, this trend in e-commerce is on the rise.
Customers increasingly choose eco-friendly products. – There has been an increased interest in eco-friendly products. More and more often, customers are choosing products and services that are environmentally friendly. Consumers are willing to pay more for products and services that are eco-friendly and do not harm the natural environment. Customers increasingly chose products made from renewable or recycled materials. “Eco-Friendly” is becoming increasingly popular.
“Eco Packaging” – Choosing environmentally friendly packaging – A new trend in e-commerce has emerged. When placing orders, customers began to pay attention to how and in what their products are packaged. Many companies have started using so-called “Eco Packaging,” which gives customers the option to choose packaging that is less burdensome on the environment. This form has been positively received by consumers.
Supposedly ecological delivery options. – Some courier companies have invested in electric delivery vehicles, which supposedly reduce CO2 emissions. Whether introducing electric vehicles is ecological is a matter of debate, as is reducing CO2 emissions. But a trend is a trend. Each of us should think about and draw our own conclusions about what is and what isn’t Eco.
Transition to Environmentally Friendly Practices
The result of these changes is the educational campaign of large companies, which inform their customers, through information on packaging and in stores, websites, that they use:
Ecological logistics – They optimize their supply chain, use more efficient delivery routes, and use renewable energy in their production and sales process.
Recycling programs – Many companies are increasing their efforts in recycling, offering exchange and recycling programs for old devices.
How Do These E-commerce Trends Affect Businesses?
For me, it is clear and logical that changes in the market, as far as e-commerce trends are concerned, are created by large companies to gain even more advantage in the market. They apply the principle: “The bigger can do more.” Customers learn, or to put it differently, replicate these patterns and follow them, mostly without thinking about them. This creates a new trend, fashion, and direction of new development. Smaller companies, to keep up with the changing market, need to quickly make changes to not fall out of it. So, what do small companies do to adapt to this trend in e-commerce?
- Adapting product assortment: Companies had to rethink their product portfolio to include “ecological preferences” of consumers. This required changing some products and introducing new, more environmentally friendly options.
- Investing in environmentally friendly production: Many companies started investing in production methods that are less harmful to the environment, which involved initial expenditures but brought long-term environmental and image benefits.
- Adapting marketing strategies: Marketing became more focused on communicating ecological values. Companies that did not do this risked losing trust and loyalty of customers, especially among younger generations.
The Growing Importance of Mobile Shopping
The year 2023 brought a significant increase in the importance of mobile shopping in the e-commerce industry, continuing the trend of growing popularity of mobile commerce over the past few years. According to the CBRE report “1/6 Figures. The Image of E-commerce Post-Pandemic,” in 2023, the value of the mobile shopping market in Poland reached 54 billion PLN, and the share of mobile purchases in total e-commerce sales increased by an impressive 25% compared to the previous year, indicating changing consumer habits.
The main reasons for the growth of mobile shopping in e-commerce include:
Development of mobile technologies and the popularization of smartphones.
Increased consumer awareness of the possibilities of mobile shopping.
Easier mobile shopping through online stores.
An example of the growing importance of mobile shopping in e-commerce is the increasing popularity of mobile applications of online stores and their continuous updates, modernization, and improvements. These apps offer many benefits for consumers, such as ease of use, access to discounts and promotions, and the ability to place orders quickly and conveniently.
Another example is the growing popularity of mobile shopping on social media. Companies are increasingly using social media to promote their products and services and to conduct direct sales.
In 2023, mobile shopping not only complemented traditional online shopping methods but also became a key sales channel for e-commerce companies, highlighting the importance of investing in mobile optimization and innovation.
The Rise in Popularity of Cross-Border Shopping
Cross-border shopping, or shopping for products or services through an online store or other sales platform located in a different country than the customer’s country of residence, is becoming increasingly common. More and more customers are looking for products and services in countries other than their own.
Cross-border shopping can take place between two countries or several countries. In the case of purchases between two countries, the customer often pays in the currency of the seller’s country. In the case of purchases among several countries, the customer may pay in the seller’s currency or their own currency.
In 2023, there was a clear increase in the significance of cross-border e-commerce, or online shopping from foreign stores. According to the CBRE report “1/6 Figures. The Image of E-commerce Post-Pandemic,” in 2023, the value of the cross-border e-commerce market in Poland was 22.5 billion PLN, a 20% increase from the previous year. The trend in e-commerce is expected to continue growing in the coming years.
The main reasons for the growth of this form of sales include:
Development and greater access to the internet,
Easier access to foreign online stores,
Increasing customer knowledge that shopping abroad is possible,
Increasing competitiveness in the e-commerce market has prompted companies to look for new markets.
Advantages of Cross-Border – Cross-border shopping has many advantages for customers, such as access to a wider range of products and services, lower prices, free or cheaper delivery.
Disadvantages of Cross-Border – Cross-border shopping also has some disadvantages, such as differences in legal regulations, payment issues, warranty and return problems.
To ensure safe and satisfying cross-border shopping, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the terms and conditions of the online store where you intend to make a purchase. It is also a good idea to check if the online store has reviews from other customers.
Here are some tips that will help you safely and satisfactorily make cross-border purchases. If you follow these tips, you can enjoy cross-border shopping without any problems:
Choose reputable online stores
Check reviews from other customers
Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the online store before making a purchase
Make sure the online store accepts payments in your currency
Ask about warranty and return conditions
The development and popularity of cross-border sales in the Polish market have been influenced by companies like Amazon and AliExpress, offering a wide selection of products at competitive prices.
Summary: Three Key Trends in E-commerce in 2023
The year 2023 was a turning point for the e-commerce industry, with three main trends setting the direction for the development of this dynamically changing field. The first was the increasing “environmental awareness” of consumers, which led to greater interest in eco-friendly products, ecological packaging (“Eco Packaging”), and supposedly ecological delivery options. These changes, often driven by large companies, forced smaller enterprises to quickly adjust their strategies to keep up with the changing market.
The second trend, the growing importance of mobile shopping, reflects a change in consumer habits and the increasing role of mobile technology in e-commerce. The CBRE report shows that the value of the mobile shopping market in Poland reached 54 billion PLN, emphasizing the importance of investment in mobile optimization and innovation by e-commerce companies.
The third trend is the growing popularity of cross-border shopping, which allows customers to access a wider range of products and services, often at lower prices. The value of the cross-border e-commerce market in Poland increased to 22.5 billion PLN, indicating the growing competitiveness and globalization of the e-commerce market.
The value of the e-commerce market in Poland, which reached 135.5 billion PLN, reflects not only these three trends but also the overall dynamics and speed of change in the industry. For entrepreneurs and e-marketers, understanding and adapting to these trends is key to remaining competitive and effectively reaching consumers in an increasingly digital world.
In light of these changes, 2023 was the year in which e-commerce became even more integrated into consumers’ daily lives, defining new opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs in the industry.