The Emergence of the Latest Software, Manager 3.0: A Fascinating Story. The development of the latest software, currently Manager 3.0, carries with it a fascinating story. It is an example of determination, creativity, and long-term planning. In this article, I will try to present the evolution of Manager 3.0’s development, from the initial vision to the implementation of advanced e-commerce software.
We will focus on the key stages of this development, starting from the early years of creating the concept, through innovative approaches to software development, to achieving ambitious business and technological goals and plans associated with this software. Are you ready for a journey through time, from the past, through the present, to the future? See what the history of Manager 3.0 is like.
Grzegorz Ciupek, the originator, CEO of ECAT eCommerce, often recalls: ‘We created the entire ecosystem vision based on Manager as early as 2017. From the outside, we kept getting feedback like, ‘you won’t create this, you won’t do it.’ And that was even later because we had already started implementing this business project, and they still told us, ‘you won’t create it.’ This was in 2018 and 2019. I say, just watch, watch how we do it.’
The Vision and Beginnings of Supportive Software Development in 2017 - 2018.
In 2017, we conceived the vision of creating an ecosystem that would transform the face of e-commerce. The beginnings were a significant challenge. Skepticism and doubts from the environment were barriers that could discourage the less determined. We continued to work consistently, striving to achieve this mission, what we set out to do.
In those years, when the market was worth 40 billion, which was in 2017, we said that we would take 5% of that market. And it’s not about us taking 5%, but creating such a tool and providing solutions that will allow people collaborating with us and opening their online stores to generate 5% of the market value and thereby earn millions with us.
Why Do 80% of People Quit Selling Online Within the First 3 Months?
Today, good business organization means creating something for people. We noticed as early as 2017 that as many as 80% of people give up on online sales, operating on systems they previously knew in traditional dropshipping, which turn out to be insufficient to achieve success in this unusual form of online sales.
80% of people selling in the dropshipping system quit within the first 3 months. The most important reasons for quitting include that people:
Struggle with order management and lack sufficient competencies, at least initially, to communicate with customers properly.
Struggle with the costs of running a business until it becomes profitable.
Struggle with handling returns and complaints.
These are the three main reasons, and we already knew about them then. We decided to solve these issues to give information in the market that you can do business in less stressful circumstances and on more friendly terms. We then announced that we would build a system and platform that would meet many people’s expectations and actually attract hundreds, thousands, even millions of people worldwide who would want to use the platform we are building and earn decent money with us, necessary for living.
We Started with PrestaShop and Beta Testers.
Those who have been with us from the very beginning remember the time when we built our system on PrestaShop. We created a system to which we added the first wholesalers. This was the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. It wasn’t Manager yet.
We did the first beta tests on the first solution to check the idea, whether it works, whether it functions. And already then, we saw a huge demand for such a solution. Many beta testers then joined us.
Today, these beta testers are with us, operating, realizing their assumptions, and happy that we have progress, that we are moving forward. But they also forgive us our stumbles, so to speak, sins, and shortcomings, over which we constantly have to work. These are normal things that happen in business, they are an integral part of business. For that, of course, we thank you. Thank you for your patience, support, and commitment to this project, which is constantly getting better.
Numbers indicate that We Are moving forward.
Many have doubts whether our project, our assumptions are being realized. There are those who say that it’s a SCAM. They have the right to say so. The numbers, which are facts, say that we are constantly moving forward. To remind you, last year, we’re talking about 2023, we did turnover of over 6 million zlotys, which is 100% more than in 2022.
See how much we have changed over the past three years, the numbers clearly indicate that. We build our business by cooperating with people, and the effects of this cooperation show in the numbers. We rely on data, on results, which are hard to argue and discuss. Each of our investors, operators has access to these results. They can trace it and see how it looks over these last three years, how much progress we have made.
Let’s also remember that Manager 3 is the third version of the system we built based on your experience, and on the resources we have. PrestaShop was the precursor to Manager’s creation.
Stumbles Are Included in Success.
Despite many stumbles and missed deadlines, we are successively implementing our assumptions, which were written down and immortalized on our board at the ECAT eCommerce office in 2017. If you want to be convinced, come to our office. A unique experience. Leaving, you will be sure that you are in the right place and at the right time.
Further Development and Introducing Innovative Solutions in 2019-2023.
Initially, we started our work on PrestaShop, but we quickly realized that a completely different solution, a new platform that combines manufacturers and wholesalers on one side and ordinary people who want to build their financial independence based on selling products they don’t have in stock, was needed.
We didn’t find such a solution on the market, so we were somewhat forced to create our own proprietary software that would meet our assumptions and the expectations of our partners. It is not an easy task, but it is doable.
From Manager 1.0 to Manager 3.0
Some of you remember the days of Manager 1.0, with which we started listing products on Allegro using a plugin, how we struggled, where listing 20 products in one day was mega fast. We used to say wow, but you’re sweeping old man. Darn, how you do it so fast. Each parameter had to be entered manually at that time.
In Manager 2.0, we made an epochal leap in terms of listing products on Allegro. This also showed us the scale we can comfortably do. Grzegorz talked about the scale a few nice years ago. A lot of people said back then that it’s impossible, you won’t make it, no one has done something like this yet. And there is that famous saying among our investors, Grzegorz’s: ‘just watch, and watch how we do it.’
Manager 3.0 started in beta on January 11, 2024. The tests have started, which also show what has already been done, what the IT department has accomplished, and what challenges are still ahead of us. You can read more about it in the article: Business Software Manager 3.0 is already working. P#5/5. This is just one example of the evolution of our software from PrestaShop through Manager 1.0, 2.0 to Manager 3.0.
Manager 3.0 was Created to Build Big Businesses.
We also fully realize that if we want our partners to build huge businesses, multi-million businesses with our help, then we all need a much better, reliable, faster, and more efficient tool. We therefore made the decision to build a new version of our ‘legendary’ Manager 3.0. This step was very necessary and intended and irrevocable. Building a huge business is associated with using excellent tools, especially if it’s a tool that is undoubtedly the foundation of the entire ECAT eCommerce ecosystem.
Waiting for Our 'Ferrari' Manager 3.0 to Appear
The initial plans were for Manager 3.0 to appear in June. As you can see, there is a significant shift in time. What is the reason for this? If you’re building something, new knowledge, new solutions, new ideas come along the way that are worth considering and including in the project, which we didn’t know about when we made the decision.
We Built Our Own Know-How.
We had to develop our own know-how before we start building everything, when it starts working and functioning. We developed our know-how based on our joint experiences from working on Manager 1.0, 2.0. Only after that could we start working on Manager 3.0. Work on Manager 3.0 is led by a professional team that began work on the entire software. We didn’t have specifications, it required us to start work from scratch again.
Building Specifications Allowed Us to Start the Project Full Steam Ahead.
The IT team, just like us, started by creating specifications. We relearned all the dependencies that occur in such an undertaking. We learned what affects what, what results from what. What can crash, break, not work, and so on.
Without specifications and documentation, we couldn’t move forward. Therefore, a specification was created. From that moment, we could start creating the entire project from scratch in a completely different technology. What is now created is based on solid foundations. This is how it should be, as Manager is our foundation, the base of the entire ECAT eCommerce ecosystem.
We have instructions, and now the work is much better. We are handing over to you a professional platform, on the basis of which you can build your financial independence in the Ful dropshipping system. We are already on a very good path to soon hand over the production version of Manager 3.0 for your use.
Our Attitude and Approach to Our Business.
Work is ongoing, there are many ideas submitted by you, which we are very pleased about. They are analyzed, verified, refined, and set for implementation at the appropriate time depending on the work being done in the system. These changes are introduced by the IT team, according to a specific scheme, to maintain order.
We have divided our actions into sprints, and some tasks take a longer time to complete. All this is done so that our Manager can continuously grow and develop, and so that everyone can see real progress in these works.
Impact on the Market and Strategy for Building Business Value.
We are conducting activities to create an ecosystem that will earn real money and generate appropriate profits. Whether they appear today or in the future, it’s no longer important, as it also depends on what the company is focused on. Is it on generating profit or on building value? Then, the implementation of the right strategy provides appropriate values for investors, stakeholders, operators, and partners.
We are focused on large values, and from the very beginning, we have always been heading in this direction and openly talk about it. What we create, we are creating one powerful global ecosystem, which aims to create ideal conditions for conducting sales for many people around the world.
Article Summary: What is the History of Manager 3.0? From Vision to Implementation.
You now know the general outline of the history of our ‘legendary’ latest business software, Manager 3.0. As you can see, our actions are focused on creating an ecosystem that allows earning real money and generating profits. We are focused on building large values and creating ideal conditions for conducting sales for people all over the world.
In our journey, from the vision to the implementation of Manager 3.0, we have faced many challenges, but our commitment and determination have allowed us to achieve success. We invite you to our office to witness the authenticity of our achievements and to join our extraordinary journey in the world of e-commerce. Our journey has just begun, this is just the beginning. Soon we will give you information when we release the production version of Manager 3.0 for use. See you soon.
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